Aug 25, 2011 · the title of your thread is "share my internet connection (like a proxy)" and in your first post you clearly say "I need to share my internet connection with a guy who is located in another town, so this would act like a proxy sort of", which tells me you have no idea what you're talking about.

Proxy Server Installation and Configuration for Sharing Internet Connection Suppose the proxy server address is Download CCProxy from the download center, run ccproxysetup.exe and keep clicking the "Next" button to finish the Launch CCProxy on the server for sharing Internet Internet Proxy & Sharing. Internet connection sharing (ICS) describes the ability of a network of two or more computers to share a single Internet connection. Internet connection sharing can be used to share a high-speed Internet Leased Line, DSL or CableNet with all computers in the Internal Network. Internet connection sharing is a great way to save money by avoiding multiple ISP accounts, while providing convenient Internet access throughout the home or office. From EFS Software: Easy Internet Sharing Proxy Server is a windows proxy server software to help you share Internet connection within the LAN easily. You can build your own proxy server between you

(2) Connect the iPhone over USB and turn on Internet Sharing (share Wi-Fi with iPhone USB). This also works, as the iPhone can then connect to the internet and the IP is the same as the non-proxied Mac. However, while Mac network traffic is sent through the proxy, the shared traffic from the iPhone ignores the proxy settings entirely.

Mar 15, 2019 · a) Check “Allow Other Network users to connect through this computer’s Internet connection.” b) In the “Select your private internet connection” drop-down menu select your Ethernet connection. Hit Ok. Your non-VPN device should now be sharing your Windows VPN connection, but it never hurts to reboot it just to be sure. Install proxy server Squid on Host A . By default Squid listens on port 3128. yum install squid; Comment the http_access deny all then add http_access allow all in /etc/squid/squid.conf; If Host A itself uses some proxy say to connect to internet then also add that proxy to /etc/squid/squid.conf as follows:

A forward proxy is an Internet-facing proxy used to retrieve data from a wide range of sources (in most cases anywhere on the Internet). A reverse proxy is usually an internal-facing proxy used as a front-end to control and protect access to a server on a private network.

Connection modes. To ensure optimal performance, by default Visual Studio Live Share automatically detects whether a collaboration session host machine and guest machine can communicate directly over a network and only relays via the cloud if there is no route between them. Oct 25, 2007 · Internet Connection Sharing with Windows XP I would really look to why you think your router can not connect to your isp vs running any type of proxy software on your desktop. If your using a USB Connection settings to use a proxy can be set in Firefox Options Preferences as follows: Click the menu button and select Options. Preferences. In the General panel, go to the Network Proxy Network Settings section. Click Settings…. The Connection Settings dialog will open. No proxy: Choose this if you don't want to use a proxy.