The DC was using the VM IC Time Synchronization Provider as time source. In my case I wanted my machines to sync from my DC and the DC from the timeservers. Here’s howto: First use the following command to partially disable time synchronization on your hyper-v dc’s (just overwrite the existing value).

Native time synchronization software, such as Network Time Protocol (NTP) for Linux and the Mac OS X, or Microsoft Windows Time Service (Win32Time) for Windows, is typically more accurate than VMware Tools periodic time synchronization. Use only one form of periodic time synchronization in your guests. May 29, 2020 · However, generally, all other virtual machines should have Hyper-V time synchronization enabled. Hosts should pull their time from the domain hierarchy, and if possible, the primary domain controller should pull from a secured time source. Hyper-V guest services should be properly maintained and kept up-to-date. Mar 16, 2017 · Over time, that virtual machine’s clock will become less and less accurate. To address this, virtualization products include tools that regularly synchronize virtual machine system clocks to their physical host’s system clock. With VMware ESXi, this product is called VMware Tools; with Hyper-V it is called Hyper-V Time Synchronization Service. When you turn on periodic time synchronization, VMware Tools sets the time of the guest operating system to be the same as the time of the host. After time synchronization occurs, VMware Tools checks once every minute to determine whether the clocks on the guest and host operating systems still match. This is when time can start to shift. This will cause the virtual DCs to synchronize with the time on the Hyper-V host causing the time to be inaccurate. This will start a knock-on effect resulting in all machines in the domain to have the wrong time. This will then cause issues with Kerberos, logins, some websites and more. How to set up time

Apr 03, 2011 · If I stop both the W32Time and The Hyper-V Time Synchronization Service, the VM's clock just ticks merrily along in virtual time. If I restart the Hyper-V Synchronization service, then the time gets re-synced but there is no event left behind in the event log as evidence of this (testing with a W2K3 Std VM but that shouldn't matter).

Hyper-V Time Synchronization Service - Windows 8 Service. Synchronizes the system time of this virtual machine with the system time of the physical computer. This service also exists in Windows 10. Startup Type Aug 23, 2011 · To partially disable the Hyper-V time synchronization provider, leave Time synchronization enabled under Integration Services and run the following command from an elevated command prompt on the guest domain controller:” reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\TimeProviders\VMICTimeProvider /v Enabled /t reg_dword /d 0

The DC was using the VM IC Time Synchronization Provider as time source. In my case I wanted my machines to sync from my DC and the DC from the timeservers. Here’s howto: First use the following command to partially disable time synchronization on your hyper-v dc’s (just overwrite the existing value).

Hyper-V Time Synchronization Service is unable to start, if the Microsoft Hyper-V Guest Infrastructure Driver service is stopped or disabled. Restore Default Startup Type for Hyper-V Time Synchronization Service Automated Restore. 1. Select your Windows 10 edition and release, and then click on the Download button below. Configure your Hyper-V hosts to point to the same external time source (s) as the virtualized forest root PDCE. Regardless of whether your Hyper-V hosts are joined to the same domain or not, you want them to be able to reach a reliable time source if the virtualized DCs that run inside them are down. The NtpClient provider, which gets information from The VMICTimeSync service, used to communicate the host time to the VMs and make corrections after the VM is paused for maintenance. Azure hosts use Microsoft-owned Stratum 1 devices to keep accurate time. Hyper-V Time Synchronization Service is a Win32 service. In Windows 10 it is starting only if the user, an application or another service starts it. When the Hyper-V Time Synchronization Service is started, it is running as NT AUTHORITY\LocalService in a shared process of svchost.exe along with other services. Display name: Hyper-V Time Synchronization Service. Description: Synchronizes the system time of this virtual machine with the system time of the physical computer. Path to executable: C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe - k LocalServiceNetworkRestricted - p