show ipv6 route show ipv6 bgp summary show ipv6 bgp ping ping ipv6 Argument(s): Looking Glass notes. For support, contact extip

Hurricane Electric IP Transit Network Hurricane Electric's International Internet backbone is ranked among the top in the world. Connections ranging from multiple 10GigE (10,000 Mbps) to multiple 100GigE (100 Gbps) form rings connecting Hurricane core routers. BGP Looking Glass - Directory of BGP Looking Glass Servers BGP Looking Glass. Directory. A comprehensive list of BGP looking glass servers located in various geographic regions. What Is BGP Looking Glass? BGP, also known as Border Gateway Protocol, is the routing protocol of the Internet.A BGP looking glass tool is software installed on a looking glass server which can be accessed remotely to provide routing information. JANET Looking Glass IPv6 Please e-mail questions or comments to the JANET NOSC The source for this looking-glass may be found here. Use at your own risk. MRLG - - Multi-Router Looking Glass - Multi-Router Looking Glass (MRLG) Running MRLG Version 5.4.1+ad1 Beta (IPv6+SSH+Neighbor interrogation) A service of LONAP. Note: ALL access to this interface is logged. Accessing from: This facility is for network diagnostics only. Please do NOT use this looking glass in automated scripts without permission.

DNS-LG - Multilocation DNS Looking Glass

Looking Glass servers are computers on the Internet running one of a variety of publicly available Looking Glass software implementations. A Looking Glass server (or LG server) is accessed remotely for the purpose of viewing routing information. Essentially, the server acts as a limited, read-only portal to routers of whatever organization is running the LG server.

SG.GS (AS24482) Looking Glass

Looking Glass IPv4 and IPv6 - Probe Networks Looking Glass IPv4 and IPv6. Looking Glass IPv4 and IPv6. Type of Query Additional parameters Node; bgp: ping: trace | Automated use of this lg is prohibited. As an alternative you can use this for simple traceroutes. This site is hosted by Probe Networks and all information is AS9370 IPv6 Looking Glass - SAKURA Internet AS9370 IPv6 Looking Glass - SAKURA Internet. Query: show ipv6 bgp show ipv6 bgp summary show ipv6 bgp reg: show ipv6 bgp community ping6 -c4 traceroute6 -w2 -q2 -m25: Argument: | BGP4.JP SAKURA Internet. Please email questions/comments or things you would like added to Looking Glass Landing - NTT-GIN Looking Glass. The Global IP Network Looking Glass provides network routing information on the backbone infrastructure. Due to the low-priority nature of these requests on our network routers, this service is not appropriate for measuring Service Level Agreements (SLA). The Looking Glass should only be used to verify routing information. IPv6 Address Lookup Tool | UltraTools