Dec 27, 2018 · You can use the useradd or usermod commands to add a user to a group. The useradd command creates a new user or updates default new user information. The usermod command modifies a user account, and it is useful to add a user to existing groups. There are two types of groups on Linux operating systems:

Mar 22, 2017 · Now we want to add our new user, olivia, to the group editorial. For this we will take advantage of the usermod command. This command is quite simple to use. sudo usermod -a -G editorial olivia sudo adduser. So to add ' newuser ' to the group ' dialout ' type: sudo adduser newuser dialout. Now repeat this step for all the remaining groups apart from the group ' pi '. If you don't want the new user to have admin or root (' sudo ') privileges then don't add the user to the groups ' sudo ' or ' adm '. Default User information is defined in /etc/adduser.conf file. Home Directory for the new user will be created inside the /home directory. By default corresponding group with the same name will be created for the new user. An Entry will be added to the /etc/passwd file containing user information. Example : Add new user in Debian using adduser To add a new user with. a primary group of test1. a second group test2. starting shell /bin/bash. password of xxxx. home directory of admin. create home directory. a login name of admin. #useradd -g test1 -G test2 -s /bin/bash -p xxxx -d/home/admin -m admin. The sudo command allows authorized users to perform commands as another user, which is by default the root user. There are two ways to add a user to sudoers : you can add this user to the sudo group or you can add this user to the sudoers file located at etc. Here are the details of the two methods.

To add a new user to access a samba share you need to first create a server user account using “useradd” command and then use the same account to add the samba user. Follow the steps givenbelow to add user john and give him the access to a samba share. Adding a Linux user account. One way for a user to browse a Samba share is have a UNIX

debian:~# tail -1 /etc/group testing:x:1001: debian:~# groupmod -n jblogs testing debian:~# tail -1 /etc/group jblogs:x:1001: groups SYNTAX: groups [username] This simple command displays what groups a user is a member of. It takes the username of user as a parameter. If no username is given, it defaults to the current user. debian:~# groups

Learn More About Adding Users and Groups to Linux. When working in Linux, there are a number of options you have for creating users and groups. For instance, you could just go into /etc/passwd directly and add a user there, but unless you are familiar with file editors and putting a lock on, you should work with the commands to avoid corruption.

debian:~# tail -1 /etc/group testing:x:1001: debian:~# groupmod -n jblogs testing debian:~# tail -1 /etc/group jblogs:x:1001: groups SYNTAX: groups [username] This simple command displays what groups a user is a member of. It takes the username of user as a parameter. If no username is given, it defaults to the current user. debian:~# groups How to Create a Sudo User on Debian {3 Easy Steps} Log in as the root user. Before you can add a user to your system, log in as the root user: ssh … How to Add User to a Group in Linux | PhoenixNAP KB Nov 06, 2019 How to see which groups a user is member of in Debian 10 Oct 09, 2019