In the IPv6 world, the default behavior of DHCPv6 is the same. For one host connected to a cable modem, this would work fine, but it would not work well if, for example, one has a full network behind a router connected to the cable modem. That being said, IPv6 provides (and TWC implements) two different DHCPv6 methods:

Jul 20, 2020 Oct 14, 2010 · Five ways for IPv6 and IPv4 to peacefully co-exist. Ready or not, you're going to need to use both IPv6 and IPv4 on your corporate intranet and to connect to the Internet for years to come. Jun 28, 2018 · Make IPv6 Work For You, Not Against You By Adam Kennedy - Network & Systems Engineer, Watch Communications Watch Communications IPv6 Case Study. Watch Communications started as a telephone company back in 1902; I worked at Omnicity, where we had built a small IPv6 network prior to being acquired by Watch Communications in 2010. Lately, with the Internet of Things at the top of the expectation curve , talks have shifted from connecting people back to connecting machines, and again IPv6 is flagged as a basic requirement to make it all work. May 04, 2016 · Router manufacturers, data centres, cloud services: I love how easy you’ve made it to enable IPv6, and I appreciate the hard work you did to enable it, but now’s the time to go one step further. No more “one extra click” or “on request” support: it’s time to enable dual stack IPv6 support by default. Jun 06, 2012 · SMBs need to be aware that IPv6 is here, and make sure that any future PC, mobile device, network infrastructure, or other IT purchases support the next-generation protocol.

These types of technologies and connection requirements will make IPv6 more necessary. The domain name system ( DNS ) will become more relevant in the world of IPv6 because no consumer, no matter how tech-savvy they are, will want to remember every address of every device in their house.

In the IPv6 world, the default behavior of DHCPv6 is the same. For one host connected to a cable modem, this would work fine, but it would not work well if, for example, one has a full network behind a router connected to the cable modem. That being said, IPv6 provides (and TWC implements) two different DHCPv6 methods: How Do IP Addresses Work? IPv6 uses a 128-bit address instead of the 32-bit address of IPv4, so the total number of unique addresses is measured in the undecillions—a number big enough that it’s unlikely to ever run out. Unlike the dotted decimal notation used in IPv4, IPv6 addresses are … Preparing the Existing Network to Support IPv6 - System

IPv6 Automatic 6to4 Tunneling -

First, let's make sure we can ping our gateway: ping6 2001:5c0:9168::1. If all is working, you should see pong packets. If that works, then ping an ipv6 site, like If you get an IPv6 IP, but can't ping it, use traceroute6 to see where your route fails. Assigning DNS. Once you have all the above working, you're on the way. How Software Engineers can make their apps IPv6 Ready An IPv6 ready app doesn't mean it has to work in IPv6 only networks. There are going to be various transition mechanisms to help the transition to IPv6 go smoothly. Your app needs to handle: Networks with only IPv4: Some networks still are IPv4 only and will remain so for a long time. You need to make sure that your apps continue to work even IPv4 vs IPv6: How Two Protocols Run the Internet in 2020 There are two versions of IP addresses: IPv4 and IPv6. As the name suggests, IPv4 is the fourth version of the TCP/IP suite. Versions 0 through 3 were experimental, making IPv4 the first non