Solved: PING works OK but TCP connection is dro - Cisco

From another internet connection ping works fine. We have no issue with any other web address. Don't see any issues our end and other company say no issue there end. Any suggestions on what could be causing this? Neither IP address blacklisted. Have ran tests on my firewall and can seen the traffic is getting through our firewall ok. networking - No longer able to reach the Internet on Kali Manually put the VM on the same network and see if you can ping both ways. In the VM: sudo ifconfig eth0 Confirm that you can see your new address with: sudo ifconfig eth0 Now from the VM you should be able to ping the host: ping And from the host you should be able to ping the VM: ping ping and tracert OK but no internet - NETGEAR Communities Starting with a factory reset, ping works but no internet. I can return to my preferred channel and SSID, camera and ping work, but no internet. I can add wired laptop and a wireless laptop, camera and ping, but not internet. I then turn off DHCP and I can access the internet. However, I cannot return to the NETGEAR N450 admin page, and I How to Use Ping to Check Internet Availability - dummies The word ping is followed by a space and then the name of a server or an IP address. In this example, practice, you can use the name of any domain or server on the Internet, such as,, or Type exit to close the command prompt window.

networking - Wifi works, ssh can connect, but cannot

Connecting to Wifi Network but No Internet Access? - Dell Gets a correct IP address but is unable to ping the router or load any web pages, including the router web interface. I ran the Dell online test which shows that yep the card is working but no internet. reboot Windows and see if Win10 can find a native driver that works. … Why can I ping a server but not connect via SSH? - Stack nc -v -w 1 localhost -z 22 Connection to localhost 22 port [tcp/ssh] succeeded! you should see succeeded try removing the -w 1 so nc -v 1111.111.111.111 -z 22 - you need to succeed to be able to ssh - but reading below you can telnet to port 22 which makes it sound like you have some sshd config barring u from connecting either on the /etc/hosts.allow deny files defined as sshd: ip but more

Oct 31, 2013 · Everything seems to work fine i can ping the gw from the server, i can ping etc.. Ping and Dns resolutions seems to work fine. But that is the only thing working. I can't browse the internet any ideas? sh run | in DMZ. nameif DMZ. access-list DMZ_nat0_outbound extended permit ip x.x.x.x any

I have a laptop running Windows XP that logs into the domain but the user can't get onto the internet. When I run a a tracert or ping it returns "no resources" - I've tried ipconfig /renew and rebooting but nothing works. routing - Cisco router help! No internet and only can ping I can ping from the 226 network but i can not ping from the 227 network. (226.66 is my laptop 227.131 is my pc) I can see the files on the 227 computer seams as thought i have directional network. I also have no internet on the 226 network. How Ping Works - InetDaemon.Com May 19, 2018 Solved: Cannot connect to Google or other Google products